Snow or ice, think twice
Snow or ice, think twice
Our approach and hiking snowshoes are designed for your alpine adventures.
Suitable for steep slopes, they will make your climb easier.
Légères et compactes, vous n’hésiterez plus à les emporter.
Choisissez la solution SnowPlak optimisée pour votre activité.
Teaser Snowplak
REDUCTION AUX PROFESSIONNELS de 20 % sur le modèle Approach
HM guides, accompanying persons, rescue workers and doctors
Promo code to ask by mail.
Evolve safely while keeping your crampons on
The pair can be stored in a 20 liter backpack
Local, recyclable and sustainable manufacturing
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Our retailers :
At the following retailers
Click on the reseller logos to be redirected
Au Vieux Campeur
Paris, Lyon, Thonon-les-bains, Sallanches, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Albertville, Marseille, Grenoble, Chambery
MONTAZ Distribution
Disponible sur la boutique en ligne
255 rue Sébastien Charléty 73490 La Ravoire
tel. 04 79 72 59 69
Contact us
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